Premier DLC provides a plethora of educational development services to its clients from the private and public sectors alike. We offer services from professional development programs to school operations and management, community mobilization to conferences, surveys and evaluation. With its team of accomplished professionals, Premier DLC envisions itself to be at the forefront of the transformation in education. Therefore, diverse programmes are developed for teachers, headteachers, school leaders, managers and curriculum designers amongst others where 40,000 teachers and school leaders from the public sector have been trained so far. Each training program is carefully designed to maximise the output of the targeted audience. We design the training programmes as per the national curriculum, activity-based learning, multi-grade teaching and any new adoptive training technique introduced. Further, as an optional module, teachers and headteachers are taught school operations management. In addition to this, we also offer Language Proficiency and Communication Skills Programs targeted towards Corporate Clients with the objective of enhancing productivity and efficiency across teams.

The school management experience within the Beaconhouse Group where the flagship Beaconhouse School System, with a student strength of over 100,000 plus students in more than 190 schools makes it the strength of Premier DLC. An additional 215,000 students study in 900 plus schools nationwide in The Educators School System, the largest franchise school system in Pakistan spread over 225 cities. This enriches our in-depth knowledge and expertise in school operations and management. Meeting the client’s needs, Premier DLC has the expertise to undertake or advise on any aspect of school management including administration, financial handling, academic development and support and physical infrastructure development, among others.

School Evaluation Unit (SEU), an autonomous independent unit of the Beaconhouse Group, offers high impact school evaluations, monitoring and reviews. The SEU evaluates schools to support data-driven decisions, enabling them to provide education of international quality and ensuring the well-being of the young people in their care. The SEU team comprises highly skilled and experienced professionals, trained in international school evaluation standards. SEU has also been involved with developing quality parameters to help sustain low fee private schools. Following the evaluation process, a detailed evaluation report is prepared which depicts areas of excellence and challenges to help schools learn how to leverage creative collaboration. Based on our findings, we are responsible for devising a School Improvement Plan (SIP) which can be implemented in order to bridge the identified gaps in the evaluation process.

These professional development initiatives are customised to the individual needs of our clients; through an extensive Training Needs Assessment (TNA), each training program is carefully designed to maximize the output of the targeted audience. In addition to this, the Lesson Plans designed for the teachers are based on the desired Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) which provides step by step methodologies and activities to deliver it effectively. Teaching aids include guidance for the teachers on teaching sessions, materials required, activities, assessment techniques and homework assignments. In addition to all this, we have in-house developed textbooks, workbooks and readers.

We at PDLC firmly believe that involving the community as an active stakeholder in the education of the young is imperative in ensuring their educational development. Premier DLC has designed mobilisation plans targeted towards parents, community members and influencers alike in order to encourage social change which help remove barriers in attaining formal education. The end goal is to foster a well informed and civilized community that helps in maintaining an environment of education and learning.

Premier DLC has developed rounded and evaluative mechanisms that not only target students and educational professionals but also assess schools to provide a conducive learning environment. These assessments are designed and conducted using formative and summative assessments which depict the overall understanding and knowledge of students SLOs and enables us with understanding the gaps of teacher knowledge and teaching techniques. Once the assessment process is complete, an in-depth statistical report is generated which shows a comparison of subjects against respective Student Learning Outcomes. After reviewing the assessment reports, our consultants review the teaching methodology and resources in place to identify the reasons for low performance.

Premier DLC recruitment services provide various organisations with a blended recruitment approach where a combination of online and face-to-face interaction complemented with various written testing techniques and focus group discussions have provided key passionate individuals.

Premier DLC also specializes in conducting field surveys and providing data analysis services that are specifically targeted towards clients who rely on extensive research that is backed by both qualitative and quantitative reasoning in matters relating to key decisions. Through careful research and an in-depth study of the landscape, we aim at providing our clients with key insights regarding their operations. These studies are conducted across different social settings, including the school, the household, and the larger community, and aim at facilitating our clients’ decision-making process.

Marketing and Campaigning for education are playing an important role in society to educate the masses. Marketing awareness is conducted through different mediums such as television, radio, print (newspapers, posters and flyers) and online platforms (social media – Facebook, Linked In, Blogs, Twitter and YouTube). Campaigns don't have to rely solely on advertisements and can also include door to door activity, community engagement, word of mouth, presentations and roadshows. Multiple channels are implemented and coordinated to deliver effective results and satisfy the needs of the clients as these activities are intended to promote awareness among parents, students, education institutes and other related professionals.

In the ever-evolving educational environment and requirements of the present, there is a surge in the market of increasingly affordable digital products such as smartphones, tablets and e-readers which are reshaping the way one thinks about teaching and learning methodologies. With the fast-paced technological development the world is experiencing, we feel it has become the need of the hour for students to use technology to aid their learning in and beyond the classroom.

Prism is a workplace Learning Management System that has been developed in-house to cater to the various professional development needs of our employees. Our employees find a wide range of courses, inclusive of Soft skills, technical skills, teaching and learning and mandatory courses (Anti-Harassment, Code of Conduct, Conflict of Interest etc.). The platform focuses on the enhanced frequency of training provision to outstation/remote employees, developing a company-wide culture of continuous learning and centralisation of all training provisions across the country.

The Beaconhouse PLC aims to foster collaborative learning among colleagues by providing a platform to share best practices and discuss innovative ways to improve teaching and learning. PLC offers research-based activities and strategies which enable teachers to continually learn from one another via shared visioning and planning, as well as an in-depth critical examination of what does and does not work to improve student achievement. It has various platforms through which all educational managers, teachers, evaluators can take advantage of the Discussion Forums. It allows for more enriched discussions to take place, based on the points made by participants, as well as provides an opportunity to acknowledge thoughtful ideas.

Therefore, with these programmes, students will be able to:

Premier DLC has successfully organised and launched over 34 International Educational Programmes for Beaconhouse School System students across the country. Students have been travelling frequently to international destinations during their summer and winter school breaks since early 2014. Young travellers developed confidence and learnt what it meant to be a global traveller while visiting the UK, European Union, USA, Turkey, North Africa, UAE and China.

Our Services
With the aim of assisting educational enrichment in the country, Premier DLC provides a plethora of educational development services to our clients from the private and public sector alike. Ranging from professional development programs to school operations and management, community mobilization to school, and student surveys and evaluation. Acting through our team of seasoned professional, Premier DLC envisions itself to be at the forefront of this educational revolution.
professionals, at all stages of their career.